Tuesday, June 24, 2008


Since I have had the privilege of teaching summer school we
are still getting up early. Everyone has adjusted to it except for
little Miss. Regan. She still fights it every morning. Logan is up
ready to eat or fart on someone, Macy is quiet but up but oh not Regan.
I have to set her clothes out, turn the light on, turn the light off because it
is to bright, listen to her complain about the clothes I picked out, hear
her scold me because the capris she wants are not clean, find the right comb to fix her hair...
It goes on and on!! It ends up me yelling at here because her ride is waiting for her. She leaves
screaming and crying and I need a drink and it isn't even 7:30.
She goes gets in the car with Crystal and all is great. She is calm, happy and ready for
a great day. Seriously, if all the drama is for my benefit, I can do without it!!!
So one day last week we were really having it out. It was time to go and she was not ready.
First she couldn't find her shoes. Then she found them and didn't want to wear them. Next she needed her bag. Then her markers and crayons. This went on and on. I was doing the whole yelling her full name thing "REGAN ELIZABETH DEAL" come on now!!!!!
Well I guess Logan had all he could take so he started mocking me but he didn't quit get the whole name thing out just right. He said, " Regan Elizabitch" ! I just about lost it.
He was so serious and had no idea what he had said.
Only 3 more mornings left then we will be sleeping in and it will be me that the kids are yelling at to get up. I can't wait!!!!!!!!!!!

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