Tuesday, June 10, 2008

The Deal Families' June Newsletter

Here's the truth. I check everyone elses blog almost daily to see

what is going on in their life and I get disappointed when I find out that they haven't blogged in like a month or so. I never check my own. Why would I ? I know what is going on in my life.

I figure I blog once a month and that is plenty for me. My life isn't that interesting. Then I think is that what all those other bloggers that I check daily think? I live for the laughs and pictures that all the others have to share. Is there anyone out there that is as lame as me and follows this same daily blog checking routine only to not post my own?

Here is The Deal Family newsletter for June.

June 2 Summer school begins.

I am teaching pre-K kiddos. Regan is doing an arts and crafts class and a books are fun class .

Macy is working with 3rd graders doing her A+ hours. Logan is spending his day with his older cousins just hanging out.

In the evenings we are at the ball field watching either Jeremy play slow pitch softball or Macy

play optimist softball.

On the weekends we swim every chance we get.

Oh yeah, My sister Cherri and I started walking every night ( okay almost every).

June 15 is Macy's 14th Birthday. She is having a sleepover at her Dad's ( Praise the Lord!!!)

Last year she had 12 girls spend the night. They ate everything, sang loud and off key, took showers after they had a huge mud and sand fight, stayed up all night.... need I say more?

I am thinking we will have a small family dinner on this end and a costco cake of course.

June 15 is also Father's Day. Isn't that the day the kids get to spend the whole day with their Dad's doing Dad things? I thought so!!

Regan's Birthday is June 27. She will be 6. She wants a sleepover again. We had one last year and they partied like rock stars till about 3:00am. I finally had to make them put in a movie and go to bed. I think we will take some girls to Libby Lou instead this year. She doesn't know this yet. Maybe it can be a Surprise! Like SURPRISE you are not having a sleep over. YOU have to understand that this child is a social butterfly and she makes the plans and I usually just taxi her around.

The last day of summer school is also June 27. Then we will really be pool rats.

Well that's all I got for June. If things get more interesting I'll be sure to BLOG IT. Yeah right.You can hold your breath if you want to but I wouldn't.

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