Sunday, June 29, 2008

Summer has officially started at the Deal house

As of 3:00 Friday afternoon I am officially on summer break.
It is time for me to sleep in and the kids try to wake me up.
Our plans are to swim, swim ,swim!!!
I have made a list of 10 things I would like to accomplish around
the house this summer. If I write things down I do a better job of sticking
to them.
Macy and Regan both have June Birthdays so we rapped them up with a family dinner
tonight. It was delicious thanks to Billy the BBQ master. He grilled chicken that was awesome.
And he made homeade ice cream. It was sooooo good.
Regan got a slip-n-slide and the kids had an absolute blast playing on it. Even my nephew that is a senior busted out his trunks and took his turn slipping and sliding. It is amazing what a big piece of plastic and some water can do to entertain kids.
I will try to add some pictures tomorrow.

Well that's all I got for tonight.

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