Friday, April 4, 2008

April Fool's Day
April Fool's Day is always a fun
day for those of us that like to have
a laugh at others expence.
My oldest daughter, Macy pulled one
over on her Aunt Cherri and let me tell
you she was pretty proud of herself!
She called Cherri afterschool and told
her she had twisted her ankle in gym
class and when she did she heard it pop.
Of course, Cherri being the caring person
came right over to assess the situation.
When she got there Macy was jumping up and down
cracking up and said, "April Fools!!!"
Cherri was about to beat her!!!
I wonder where Macy gets her sence of humor???
Earlier that day I told my 2nd and 3rd grade class that
we were taking naps. They all got comfortable
spread out all over the classroom. I turned off the lights
and was quit comfy myself. After about 5 minutes I said,
"We don't take naps in 2nd and 3rd grade, APRIL FOOLS!"
Later that night my Mom called and I answered the phone
"Super 8" She was fluster and said she had the wrong number.
When she called back I was cracking up.
She was not impressed!
I have to tell you about the best on ever.
April Fool's Day fell on a Sunday.
I have 4 nephews that were and middle school and high school at that time.
I started by calling Cody. I told him that I had heard on KMMO that a water main broke near the school
and there would be no school tomorrow. He was soooooooo excited!!!! He got off the phone and started calling all his friends. I tried to call right back but the line was busy for a while. When I finally got him I was laughing so hard I could hardly talk. I said April Fools and he hung up on me. He was soooo mad at me. I still get tickled when I think about it. He still does think I am funny at all.
I love to make people laugh especially myself!!

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