Friday, February 6, 2009

Thursday, January 29, 2009
Is a week to long to celebrate your birthday!

Monday, January 26, 2009

This is Regan. She is the middle child.
Ever since she was a toddler she was
terrified of people in costumes. You know
Santa, Easter Bunny, Smokey the Bear,
Bugs Bunny, Even the tooth fairy. She
would not put the tooth under her pillow.
She put it in a baggie on the kitchen table.
She did not want the tooth fairy anywhere
near her room. Well, last week KC Wolf visited our school. She thought he was the funniest thing. She 1st volunteered to hold a sign that represented the food guide pyramid. When they were finished with that she took a huge bow for the audience. Then when it was time for questions she asked if she could try his costume on....... what is this child with character anxiety thinking???? Either she was going to have a huge panic attack once she started to put it on or she was cured of her disorder. As it turns out she had a blast wearing the much over sized costume and the crowd thought she was hilarious. The shoes were so big she had to be laid down to put them on. Size 22 I believe. So the KC Chiefs might not have had a winning season but KC Wolf did an excellent job in winning Regan over.
Monday, January 19, 2009
She's ALIVE!!!!
I am ashamed and have on excuses. I thought I would be a better blogger but
obviously not.
SOOOOOOOOOOO..... here I go! Starting over and attempting to be a better blogger
in 2009!
Let's Catch up......
I am a Mom of 3, wife of 1, 2nd/3rd teacher of 8, b-team cheerleader sponsor, student council sponsor and I
do Parents as Teachers part time. That might shed some light on why I haven't blogged for so long.
The Deals' had a fairly quiet 2008. We went to The Great Wolf Lodge in Feb. The kids always enjoy swimming in the winter. We spent most of our summer at the pool and relaxing once summer school was over. Last fall was pretty busy for me because I had to go to training for PAT a couple of different times. One training was in St. Louis for a week and the other one was in Springfield for 2 days. I thought it was great but my kids and Jeremy didn't feel the same way. Life isn't the same when Dad is in charge.
The holidays were here before we knew it and we had a great Christmas. The kids got a Wii from Santa and that was a big hit. Jeremy and I spent New Years in St. Louis at a bed and breakfast. It was our 3rd Anniversary and our 1st time staying at a Bed and Breakfast. It was different. I don't know that we would do it again. We weren't used to not having a T.V. , radio, clock, shower and a bathtub at the foot of the bed. It was definitely an Anniversary that we will remember.
It is hard to believe that January is almost over. The years seem to go by much faster as I get older.
Well, Happy 2009 and I'll be talking to you sooner than you think.
Friday, July 4, 2008
There was a terrible accident in my neighborhood
yesterday afternoon. Three teenagers were driving what
appears to be over the speed limit and lost control and hit a tree.
Two of the teens died. One was 15 and the other was 18.
You know what they say about things happening alittle to close to home.
Well this was literaly to close to home for me because it was 3 houses down
from me. I pulled into my driveway to find my street closed and emergancy
vehicles lined up at the scene. A lady across the street was the first at the scene
and was pretty shaken.
My heart goes out to all the families. I can't even begin to imagine what they are going through
right now and for the rest of their lives.
If you are a reading my blog please take some time and say a prayer for these families as they go through this tragidy that none of us ever want to have to go through.
Also, let this remind us that everyday is a gift and we should not take the moments we have with our children forgranted. Tell them that you love them everyday and thank God for blessing you with a family.